Number one spot: Leipzig has the largest number of hotels being built in Germany
No other German city has grown as strongly in recent years as Leipzig. But it is not only regarding population growth that the city occupies the top spot. As industry consultants Dr. Lübke & Kelber have discovered, no other German metropolis has witnessed such a strong growth in the number of hotels. In the summer of 2018 there were 18,922 beds available in Leipzig, an impressive 45 percent more than in the summer of 2011 (13,019 hotel beds). Other cities with larger numbers of guests and larger populations such as Hamburg and Frankfurt/Main saw growth of just 40 percent and less in the same period. In Leipzig the hotel building boom of 2017/18 is particularly noteworthy. However, the consultancy also expects 2019 to see a further 15 percent rise, corresponding to around 21,700 beds. According to recent estimates, overnight stays are only expected to increase by 5 percent, however. Nevertheless, 3.5 million overnight stays could make this a new record year. During the period under observation the number of overnight stays even increased higher than the number of available beds, namely by 58 percent. The annual Bachfest and multiple congresses in June proved to be the guest magnets with the highest room occupancy. A total of seven new hotels are set to open in Leipzig in 2019. The H2 Hotel at the main railway station with 336 rooms will make the largest contribution to the growth in beds. 2020 will then see the renowned Astoria open its doors once again after having been closed for many years. This development shows just how strongly the attractiveness of Leipzig in Germany and worldwide is increasing, creating new opportunities in the real estate sector in particular.